BMSG in the news

newspaper mastheads

Soda tax myths: Are beverages being unfairly targeted?

by Dana Woldow | BeyondChron
Monday, March 03, 2014

The soda industry is sparing no expense in its opposition to a proposed tax in San Francisco. A new study from BMSG, which reveals the strategies and arguments Big Soda used to defeat taxes in two other California cities, offers insight into what tactics voters can expect.

How coverage of Richmond, El Monte soda tax proposals played out

by Lisa Aliferis | KQED's State of Health
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

In 2012, voters in the California cities of Richmond and El Monte soundly defeated proposed taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages. The ballot measures were widely covered by local, state and national press. An analysis of that coverage, released today by the Berkeley Media Studies Group, looks at what themes were covered on both sides of the debate.

New report uncovers soda industry’s duplicitous tactics

by Jeff Okey | The California Endowment
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

In November 2012, the cities of Richmond and El Monte, Calif., tried but failed to implement a soda tax to fund health programs. To those watching this play out, it appeared that both communities had spoken and their answer was "no" to the tax. A new report from Berkeley Media Studies Group shows that wasn't the case.

Liberals should also be upset by Coke’s ‘America the Beautiful’ ad

by Jill Filipovic | The Guardian
Monday, February 03, 2014

The purpose of Coca-Cola’s ad, which highlighted America’s diversity, wasn’t just to celebrate the reality of a multi-ethnic country. Citing BMSG research on target marketing, Jill Filipovic shows it was to sell soda to rapidly-expanding but vulnerable populations, even if that means contributing to serious health problems, exploiting divides in class and education, and exacerbating racial inequality.

The real feminist nightmare

by Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner | Politico
Monday, November 25, 2013

Responding to criticism of first lady Michelle Obama's emphasis on her role as "mom-in-chief," MomsRising Executive Director Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner makes the case that the real feminist issue is undermining women because they are mothers. This often leaves them economically insecure and struggling to put food on the table, making it a public health issue too. BMSG Director Lori Dorfman notes the positive steps that the first lady has taken to prioritize kids' health to the benefit of moms, families and entire communities.

Lessons learned from tobacco control

by Elizabeth Brotherton-Bunch |
Thursday, November 21, 2013

As childhood obesity advocates look to protect the public from unhealthy food and beverage products and marketing, they should study how an early group of public health advocates took on another industry Goliath — and won. New research from BMSG and the Public Health Advocacy Institute examines how cigarettes were portrayed during the early years of tobacco control and discusses how this influenced the movement to reduce smoking and what this means for advocates fighting other public health battles today.

Public health protections help people live longer, fuller lives

by Carolyn Newbergh | California Health Report
Thursday, October 31, 2013

From clean air laws to safe drinking water standards, many of the life-extending public health advances that we now take for granted were unpopular when first proposed. Speaking at a recent California legislative hearing on the government's role as an essential protector of public health, BMSG's Andrew Cheyne reminds advocates and decision-makers that policy change happens over the long haul.

When good celebrities promote bad foods

by Alexandra Sifferlin |
Monday, October 07, 2013

A report from Yale's Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity has found that a large number of professional athletes have food and beverage brand endorsements. As BMSG research Andrew Cheyne notes, when these athletes and other role models simultaneously promote healthy lifestyles and junk food, it sends kids a conflicting message.
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