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News coverage of the Sandusky case: Lessons for advocates

Media coverage of violence and other public health issues tends to focus narrowly on individuals, overlooking the context for their actions. Continuing coverage of the Sandusky child sexual abuse case is proving an exception to that rule, yet it is not without shortcomings.


Media oversimplify coverage of Aurora shooting

In the wake of last week’s shooting in Aurora, Colo., the news media have been filled with journalists, elected officials, and others bemoaning the rampage as “senseless” and “evil.” But calling it evil does nothing to open up a discussion of how to keep it from happening again.


BMSG: Where we’ve been and where we’re going

Writing BMSG’s inaugural blog forces me to take stock of where we are and where we’re going. Could I have even imagined a blog, or any of the other new media innovations, when we opened our doors 18 years ago? Back then I looked forward to getting my next email — imagine! — but never anticipated …


La mercadotecnia dirigida de la soda y comida rápida: Problemas con el negocio como de costumbre

Una de las metas de la mercadotecnia de la soda y comida rápida es hacer que el consumador se sienta como si el producto sea hecho especialmente para si mismo. Revelamos las tácticas que se usan para hacerlo en este documento sobre la mercadotecnia, parte de una serie desarrollada por BMSG para la iniciativa para crear capacidad nacional Comunidades Creando Ambientes Sanos. Tambien disponible en Inglés.


La mercadotecnia dirigida a madres de color

La mercadotecnia dirigida permite que las industrias de la soda y comida rápida les promuevan sus productos a grupos específicos. En este documento de mercadotecnia, parte de una serie desarrollada por BMSG para la iniciativa para crear capacidad nacional Comunidades Creando Ambientes Sanos, demostramos como estas industrias dirigen la mercadotecnia hacia madres de comunidades latinas y afroamericanas, y los problemas que resultan de esta practica. Tambien disponible en Inglés.


Moving from them to us: Challenges in reframing violence among youth

This report explores how youth and violence have been framed in the news, how the issue of race complicates depictions of youth and violence, and how public attitudes about government can inhibit public support for violence prevention. It also includes recommended next steps for reframing violence among youth for UNITY, a national effort addressing the root causes of violence. The Appendix describes the methods for the literature review of research on news coverage included in the paper.


Reading between the lines: Understanding food industry responses to concerns about nutrition

When a food or beverage company does something that might be good for health, should public health groups congratulate them publicly? If not, why not? When companies’ words don’t match their deeds, the answers are not always clear. This framing brief describes how food and beverage companies are reacting to pressure from public health groups and explores implications for framing public health’s responses to those actions.

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