Search Results: gun

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From ‘bad apples’ to broken systems: How Richmond residents rewrote the narrative on the formerly incarcerated

Residents and advocates in Richmond and Contra Costa County know that to create strong, healthy communities, they have to change misconceptions about formerly incarcerated residents and create a greater public understanding about the need for changes to the criminal justice system. This case study explores how a collaboration of city residents, local and county law enforcement, elected officials, community workers, and, most importantly, formerly incarcerated residents have done just that by creating a nationally recognized reentry network — one that owes much of its success to the power of storytelling.


Ending the school-to-prison pipeline: A case study of community-led disciplinary reform in Kern County

This case study tells the story of how advocates in Kern County, California, succeeded in creating a healthier school climate for students after learning that the local school district was suspending and expelling students of color at much higher rates than white students. Read on to learn how they used a combination of tactics, including community organizing, strategic communication, and legal pressure, to create major changes that will benefit young people for generations to come.


Reimagining public space to benefit health and foster community: A case study of Salinas’ annual Ciclovía

Each year, public health advocates and youth organizers in Salinas, California, close traffic to a mile-and-a-half-stretch of one of the city’s busiest streets, transforming it into a community event filled with physical activity and fun. Known as Ciclovía, the event serves a bigger purpose: to reduce violence, forge community bonds, and promote health equity. To understand how organizers are advancing those goals, this case study explores the origins of Ciclovía, its successes and setbacks, next steps and lessons learned.


Issue 24: Adverse childhood experiences in the news: Successes and opportunities in coverage of childhood trauma

Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are a critical public health issue with implications for every sector of society, but communicating about them can be challenging. In this news analysis, we explore whether advocates have been able to successfully explain the implications of childhood trauma, including how solutions appear in news coverage and whether the link between children’s environments and the trauma they experience is visible.


Case studies

Media advocacy, the process of using the media strategically to advance policy change for important public health and social justice issues, is central to the trainings we provide at BMSG. But what does that process look like in the real world? How do the principles of media advocacy get applied in different 

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Strategic communication specialist Position summary BMSG is seeking a full-time Strategic Communication Specialist to join our small but nimble team. The ideal candidate will be a dynamic public speaker who can work with advocates, community groups, youth leaders, and others interested in shifting 
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