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paper dolls holding hands

Changing the dialogue on abortion

What will it take to create a sea change in how Americans think — and talk — about abortion? To help answer this question, BMSG partnered with the Sea Change Program to analyze how abortion and stigma are portrayed in the news.

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Communicating for Change trainings

BMSG was commissioned to develop strategic communications for The California Endowment’s Center for Health Communities. To that end, we created a Communicating for Change training curriculum, which we use to teach public health leaders to think strategically about creating healthy communities, speaking and writing effectively, and crafting solid policy-oriented answers to difficult questions. Since BMSG first developed the curriculum, hundreds of TCE grantees have learned concrete skills to engage the media strategically to advance their community health policy goals.

Corporate social responsibility campaigns and cause marketing by the soda industry

This study examined the marketing tactics from soda companies and assesses their actions in light of how the tobacco industry employed similar strategies to thwart regulation, cultivate a positive business climate, and gain public support. Additionally, this study investigated the latest cause marketing campaigns from leading soda companies, including how they employ social media and to what extent they mimic corporate social responsibility strategies pioneered by tobacco companies.

Examining the public debate around school food guidelines

To better understand how advocates, the food industry, policymakers and others have shaped discussions about school nutrition guidelines since the passage of Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, BMSG and the Public Health Advocacy Institute examined news coverage and legislative documents from several states.

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Family assets initiative

For this project, BMSG helped the Family Assets Initiative in its efforts to build the capacity of state-based child-advocacy organizations to analyze the needs of children and low-income and working families and to advance policies supporting those families and children.

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Feeding infants and toddlers: Is industry marketing undermining health?

Many women — especially low-income women and women of color — are unable to meet their breastfeeding goals, in part because they are bombarded by marketing for infant formula that may hinder their best efforts. To that end, BMSG and the California WIC Association partnered to conduct and share research that advocates, practitioners, legislators and others need to better understand infant formula marketing and what to do about it.

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