Events: The Center (Asthma Mitigation Project): Strategic storytelling to communicate about asthma mitigation

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The Center (Asthma Mitigation Project): Strategic storytelling to communicate about asthma mitigation

Date: March 21, 2023

Storytelling can be a powerful way to elevate the service community health workers do to prevent, treat, and mitigate asthma. It can illustrate the impact of community-based health interventions. How we tell these stories can directly influence how audiences understand asthma, and what needs to be done about it. BMSG worked with grantees from the Asthma Mitigation Project to provide a foundation for storytelling as well as tools to develop strong and concise messages to enhance their stories. Grantees left this session with a host of examples to tell more holistic and ethical stories.

Strategic storytelling requires that the storyteller has a clear vision of what they want to change in the world, so they are better able to position their programs as the main actors in creating that change. Berkeley Media Studies Group (BMSG), a project of the Public Health Institute is nationally recognized for helping advocates raise their voices and be heard on public health issues from park equity to housing. This training served as an opportunity to continue to amplify community voices.