our projects

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Elevating Latinos in news narratives about racial justice

Research has found that most U.S. residents do not recognize the contributions that Latinos, the nation’s largest ethnic minority, make to society or understand the barriers they face. Making people more aware of these realities can encourage more U.S. policymakers, leaders, and the public to support expanded access to opportunities for everyone — including Latino communities. One way to increase awareness and spur action is to elevate coverage of Latinos in the news media.

Missouri Foundation for Health logo. Outline of the state of Missouri, with multi-colored circles inside.

Elevating suicide and equity in conversations about firearms and violence

Firearms are the leading cause of death for young people across the United States. Additionally, most firearm deaths are from suicide yet do not receive the same level of media attention as homicides. Through this project, BMSG is working with grantees of the Missouri Foundation for health to help them develop and deliver strategic messages about firearm violence and suicide prevention, using framing that centers health equity.

Examining the public debate around school food guidelines

To better understand how advocates, the food industry, policymakers and others have shaped discussions about school nutrition guidelines since the passage of Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, BMSG and the Public Health Advocacy Institute examined news coverage and legislative documents from several states.

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Expanding the narrative on gun violence

In collaboration with the Hope and Heal Fund, BMSG is working to better understand the narrative on gun violence in California and consider how we can widen the frame to include more than mass shootings.

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Family assets initiative

For this project, BMSG helped the Family Assets Initiative in its efforts to build the capacity of state-based child-advocacy organizations to analyze the needs of children and low-income and working families and to advance policies supporting those families and children.

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Feeding infants and toddlers: Is industry marketing undermining health?

Many women — especially low-income women and women of color — are unable to meet their breastfeeding goals, in part because they are bombarded by marketing for infant formula that may hinder their best efforts. To that end, BMSG and the California WIC Association partnered to conduct and share research that advocates, practitioners, legislators and others need to better understand infant formula marketing and what to do about it.

Framing primary prevention of intimate partner violence

During this project, BMSG conducted trainings for the CDC’s Delta PREP coalitions. We helped the groups understand challenges in current news coverage of violence, identify opportunities to create news around primary prevention of domestic violence, and practice framing domestic violence to emphasize prevention and promote policy solutions.

Framing violence among youth

In this project, we conducted a framing analysis to investigate how people frame issues related to youth violence and how that knowledge can help advocates do a better job explaining the value of prevention.

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